New Ph D student exploring graph query optimization

Hello! I'm Amelia, a new Ph. D. student at Colorado School of Mines in the USA, and plan to do my research in graph database query optimization ... I'm starting out by exploring the capabilities of neo4J from a user perspective, and then plan to dive into the opensource libraries. I have a background in SQL database systems internals (DEC/RDB, HP/Allbase, Sybase SQL Server, Cloudscape/Apache Derby) and am looking forward to exploring this new-to-me space!

There's a few of threads on optimization:

Definitely learn about EXPLAIN and PROFILE (which I suspect you already are familiar with since they are in other DBs.)

Since the code is open source, you could always see how Neo4J implements its query optimizations.

Good luck with your PhD!

Hello @amelia , since you are coming from SQL Database system internals, you will find similar Query profiling in neo4j also (with neo4j terminilogy) , and the keywords -> predicates, filters, merge and cartesian joins do exists in neo4j also.