We recently built updated AMIs for Neo4j 3.4.7, including these two plugins. Here are the AMI IDs, which should be public and you can launch directly, or include in any other CloudFormation templates or orchestrations you run.
Anyone can launch Community. For Enterprise instances, please fill out this link to either register your cloud instance (if you're an existing customer) or get a 30-day evaluation license if you don't have one.
As one side note that's AWS specific - if you launch the community VMs they will automatically change their password to the instance ID that you launched, so you can log in that way. For enterprise the password stays the default neo4j/neo4j, this is because that AMI is often used in templates for cluster formations.
Hi David,
What about Montreal region? Any plans to support that region as well?
Context: we are running a data lake in AWS, in Frankfurt and Montreal to server 2 different business units. We are planning to add a graph engine as a self service data processing engine for data engineers and data scientists.
It's quite easy for us to add support for a new region. Really all it is, is copying the AMI to a new region and producing a new AMI ID.
But could you tell me what is the region ID? I need to check on our side but I don't see that region available by default, I wonder does it require special permissions or applications? (Amazon does have a number of regions like that, including GovCloud regions).
If you can let me know, I'll try to put the new region in the pipeline for the next build and then it will come each time there's a new release. In the meantime, with the AMIs above, you can copy to a new region following these instructions so you don't need to wait for a new release if you want Neo4j in the montreal region.
If the region isn't accessible to our account for some reason, that technique above should still work.
These AMIs are already public, I'm not sure which permission this applies to. I'll see if I can do some research here -- failing that, we'll make sure that ap-south-1 is included in the next release as well.
I've launched an AMI in eu-west-1 (ami-0ee4c581e8d1e1908) Community Edition and when I trying to connect either trough port 7474 or 7473 in the browser it throws the following error:
ServiceUnavailable: WebSocket connection failure. Due to security constraints in your web browser, the reason for the failure is not available to this Neo4j Driver. Please use your browsers development console to determine the root cause of the failure. Common reasons include the database being unavailable, using the wrong connection URL or temporary network problems. If you have enabled encryption, ensure your browser is configured to trust the certificate Neo4j is configured to use. WebSocket 'readyState' is: 3
Also the certificate given by the instance is not recognized.
The error is almost certainly that your browser doesn't trust the self-signed certificate that the server is sending. You can either configure your browser to accept that certificate for both port 7473 and 7687 (bolt, which neo4j browser uses) or you can install a signed certificate on the server so the browser won't have to prompt you to trust it.
I've filed an issue with internal engineering to request this. We probably wouldn't do this for old AMIs but would add it to the publishing queue for future AMIs. In the meantime, it's possible to copy AMIs between regions, please check the AWS docs.
Any further information you can provide about your application and why this is needed would be a help though.
Hello @david_allen, thank for the AMI but is it possible for you to copy the AMI to the Europe-Paris region ( eu-west-3 ) ? I tried to copy it myself from eu-west-1 marketplace but I got the same issue than phanindhar.bodla .