const [nodes, setNodes] = useState<Node>(
[{ id: '0' ,captions: [{
styles: ["bold"],
value:"tag 1",
key: "0",
{ id: '1', captions: [{
styles: ["bold"],
value:"tag 2",
key: "1",
** nodes={nodes}**
** rels={relationships}**
** layout="d3Force"**
** mouseEventCallbacks={mouseEventCallbacks}**
** nvlOptions={{**
** initialZoom: 1,**
** panX: 2,**
** panY: 2,**
** relationshipThreshold: 20,**
** **
** }}**
** />**
tried with the comments in the installed nvl-package
* The caption text and font style.
* @note Captions are only visible when using the 'canvas' renderer.
captions?: StyledCaption[];
but label is not visible for both the node and relations