Neo4j visualitation Library - (version 0.3.1) Node labels are not visible

const [nodes, setNodes] = useState<Node>(
[{ id: '0' ,captions: [{
styles: ["bold"],
value:"tag 1",
key: "0",
{ id: '1', captions: [{
styles: ["bold"],
value:"tag 2",
key: "1",

**                                nodes={nodes}**
**                                rels={relationships}**
**                                layout="d3Force"**
**                                mouseEventCallbacks={mouseEventCallbacks}**
**                                nvlOptions={{**
**                                  initialZoom: 1,**
**                                  panX: 2,**
**                                  panY: 2,**
**                                  relationshipThreshold: 20,**
**                         **
**                                }}**
**                              />**

tried with the comments in the installed nvl-package

     * The caption text and font style.
     * @note Captions are only visible when using the 'canvas' renderer.
    captions?: StyledCaption[];

but label is not visible for both the node and relations

Hi aravindhkrishna1922,

For text to be rendered, you will need to use the "canvas" rendering method. You set it in the nvlOptions property:

  initialZoom: 1,
  renderer: 'canvas'

You can find some more information about NVL's options here Base library - Neo4j Visualization Library.

Please note that when zooming out beyond a certain point, labels won't be displayed.

Hope this helps, please let me know in case the labels still won't show.