Neo4j values.yaml file is not updating the neo4j.conf file

Hello Experts,

I have configure the neo4j with values.yaml file to update the neo4j.conf file. The pod has been created but the neo4j.conf file is not got updated. kindly suggest.

Neo4j version 5.2.0

values.yaml file im updating belwo values.
server.directories.plugins: "/var/lib/neo4j/labs" "apoc."
server.config.strict_validation.enabled: "false" "gds.
dbms.memory.heap.initial_size: "256m"
dbms.memory.heap.max_size: "512m"
dbms.tx_mode: "LEADING"
dbms.logs.query.enabled: "OFF"
server.bolt.thread_pool_min_size: "10"
server.bolt.thread_pool_max_size: "100"
server.bolt.thread_pool_keep_alive: "10m"

is there any other way to do update neo4j.conf in k8s