Neo4j not starting on my ec2 instance after doing some config chnages

All I did was tried using the APOC plugin , so did few changes in my config file , those are mentioned below ->**,apoc.coll.*,apoc.load.*

Also I added a jar file in the plugin folder of var/neo4j
earlier before these changes it was running perfectly fine, but now when trying to start it throws these errors ->
Jul 13 09:12:05 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: Started Neo4j Graph Database.
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: Directories in use:
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: home: /var/lib/neo4j
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: config: /etc/neo4j
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: logs: /var/log/neo4j
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: plugins: /var/lib/neo4j/plugins
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: import: /var/lib/neo4j/import
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: data: /var/lib/neo4j/data
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: certificates: /var/lib/neo4j/certificates
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: licenses: /var/lib/neo4j/licenses
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: run: /var/lib/neo4j/run
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: Starting Neo4j.
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: WARNING! You are using an unsupported Java runtime.
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: * Please use Oracle(R) Java(TM) 17, OpenJDK(TM) 17 to run Neo4j.
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: * Please see Neo4j documentation - Neo4j Documentation for Neo4j installation instructions.
Jul 13 09:12:09 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:09.188+0000 INFO Starting...
Jul 13 09:12:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:10.697+0000 INFO This instance is ServerId{81e624d8} (81e624d8-0a2a-4f6c-beda-4c679fa75668)
Jul 13 09:12:11 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:11.752+0000 INFO ======== Neo4j 5.9.0 ========
Jul 13 09:12:14 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:14.495+0000 INFO Bolt enabled on
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.577+0000 INFO Remote interface available at http://localhost:7474/
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.581+0000 INFO id: ED6C05743068FCB8A75F3864F1EE84148CB7D5D8D5DE73910BD0A6B7310E83B4
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.581+0000 INFO name: system
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.582+0000 INFO creationDate: 2023-07-13T09:12:12.734Z
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.582+0000 INFO Started.
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:58.256+0000 WARN
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback.failed(java.lang.Throwable)" because "callback" is null
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: at$failedCallback$0( ~[jetty-io-9.4.51.v20230217.jar:9.4.51.v20230217]
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob( [jetty-util-9.4.51.v20230217.jar:9.4.51.v20230217]
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$ [jetty-util-9.4.51.v20230217.jar:9.4.51.v20230217]
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: at [?:?]
Jul 13 09:14:21 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:14:21.034+0000 WARN The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:14:22 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:14:22.647+0000 WARN The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:14:24 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:14:24.086+0000 WARN The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:16:51 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:16:51.763+0000 WARN The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:16:53 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:16:53.290+0000 WARN The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:16:54 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:16:54.928+0000 WARN The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:17:22 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:17:22.061+0000 WARN The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:17:23 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:17:23.502+0000 WARN The client has provided incorrect authentication details too many times in a row.
Jul 13 09:17:24 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:17:24.924+0000 WARN The client has provided incorrect authentication details too many times in a row.
Jul 13 09:18:22 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: Stopping Neo4j Graph Database...
Jul 13 09:18:22 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:18:22.785+0000 INFO Neo4j Server shutdown initiated by request
Jul 13 09:18:22 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:18:22.787+0000 INFO Stopping...
Jul 13 09:18:27 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:18:27.894+0000 INFO Stopped.
Jul 13 09:18:27 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Deactivated successfully.
Jul 13 09:18:27 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: Stopped Neo4j Graph Database.
Jul 13 09:18:27 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Consumed 26.879s CPU time.

Start by checking plugins folder: /var/lib/neo4j/plugins so you have the expected plugins (and the right versions, it should be apoc-5.9.0-core.jar for neo4j 5.9.0).

Also, check what is up with the warning that you are using an unsupported Java Runtime.

In addition, is there reason to suspect that it takes a long time for neo4j to start? Like did you process a lot of writes (like initial import of data) or make an un-graceful shut down of the neo4j process during the restart of the service? It may be systemd not allowing the service enough time to stop/start. Check the service file and allow it few more minutes before systemd terminates the service.

Thanks for the response, so as u suggested I started using the apoc 5.9.0 file and replaced it the plugins folder also created a new service file overe here ->


whose contents are as follows ->

Description=Neo4j Graph Database



and also updated the java runtimew version which is set to openjdk 17, and on executing ->

my output is 

still when trying to start neo4j on my instance using the command sudo systemctl start neo4j it fails to start and the logs are given below ->

Jul 13 09:12:05 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: Started Neo4j Graph Database.
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: Directories in use:
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: home:         /var/lib/neo4j
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: config:       /etc/neo4j
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: logs:         /var/log/neo4j
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: plugins:      /var/lib/neo4j/plugins
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: import:       /var/lib/neo4j/import
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: data:         /var/lib/neo4j/data
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: certificates: /var/lib/neo4j/certificates
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: licenses:     /var/lib/neo4j/licenses
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: run:          /var/lib/neo4j/run
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: Starting Neo4j.
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: WARNING! You are using an unsupported Java runtime.
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: * Please use Oracle(R) Java(TM) 17, OpenJDK(TM) 17 to run Neo4j.
Jul 13 09:12:07 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677076]: * Please see for Neo4j installation instructions.
Jul 13 09:12:09 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:09.188+0000 INFO  Starting...
Jul 13 09:12:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:10.697+0000 INFO  This instance is ServerId{81e624d8} (81e624d8-0a2a-4f6c-beda-4c679fa75668)
Jul 13 09:12:11 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:11.752+0000 INFO  ======== Neo4j 5.9.0 ========
Jul 13 09:12:14 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:14.495+0000 INFO  Bolt enabled on
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.577+0000 INFO  Remote interface available at http://localhost:7474/
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.581+0000 INFO  id: ED6C05743068FCB8A75F3864F1EE84148CB7D5D8D5DE73910BD0A6B7310E83B4
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.581+0000 INFO  name: system
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.582+0000 INFO  creationDate: 2023-07-13T09:12:12.734Z
Jul 13 09:12:15 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:15.582+0000 INFO  Started.
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:12:58.256+0000 WARN
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback.failed(java.lang.Throwable)" because "callback" is null
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]:         at$failedCallback$0( ~[jetty-io-9.4.51.v20230217.jar:9.4.51.v20230217]
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]:         at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob( [jetty-util-9.4.51.v20230217.jar:9.4.51.v20230217]
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]:         at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$ [jetty-util-9.4.51.v20230217.jar:9.4.51.v20230217]
Jul 13 09:12:58 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]:         at [?:?]
Jul 13 09:14:21 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:14:21.034+0000 WARN  The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:14:22 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:14:22.647+0000 WARN  The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:14:24 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:14:24.086+0000 WARN  The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:16:51 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:16:51.763+0000 WARN  The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:16:53 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:16:53.290+0000 WARN  The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:16:54 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:16:54.928+0000 WARN  The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:17:22 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:17:22.061+0000 WARN  The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure.
Jul 13 09:17:23 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:17:23.502+0000 WARN  The client has provided incorrect authentication details too many times in a row.
Jul 13 09:17:24 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:17:24.924+0000 WARN  The client has provided incorrect authentication details too many times in a row.
Jul 13 09:18:22 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: Stopping Neo4j Graph Database...
Jul 13 09:18:22 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:18:22.785+0000 INFO  Neo4j Server shutdown initiated by request
Jul 13 09:18:22 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:18:22.787+0000 INFO  Stopping...
Jul 13 09:18:27 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[3677109]: 2023-07-13 09:18:27.894+0000 INFO  Stopped.
Jul 13 09:18:27 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Deactivated successfully.
Jul 13 09:18:27 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: Stopped Neo4j Graph Database.
Jul 13 09:18:27 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Consumed 26.879s CPU time.

Can you also check the neo4j.log file / journalctl -e -u neo4j ? There is maybe additional info that may help point us in the right direction. That waring Cannot invoke "org.eclipse..." does not really tell me much.

I ran the command -> sudo journalctl -e -u neo4j and got the below output ->
Aug 14 10:06:38 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: Started Neo4j Graph Database.
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: Validating Neo4j configuration: /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: 1 issue found.
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: Warning: Use of deprecated setting ''. It is replaced by ''.
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: Validating user Log4j configuration: /var/lib/neo4j/conf/user-logs.xml
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: No issues found.
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: Validating server Log4j configuration: /var/lib/neo4j/conf/server-logs.xml
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: No issues found.
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: Configuration file validation successful (with warnings).
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: Directories in use:
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: home:         /var/lib/neo4j
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: config:       /etc/neo4j
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: logs:         /var/log/neo4j
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: plugins:      /var/lib/neo4j/plugins
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: import:       /var/lib/neo4j/import
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: data:         /var/lib/neo4j/data
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: certificates: /var/lib/neo4j/certificates
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: licenses:     /var/lib/neo4j/licenses
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: run:          /var/lib/neo4j/run
Aug 14 10:06:41 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: Starting Neo4j.
Aug 14 10:06:43 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: 2023-08-14 10:06:43.661+0000 WARN  Use of deprecated setting ''. It is replaced by ''.
Aug 14 10:06:43 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: 2023-08-14 10:06:43.700+0000 INFO  Starting...
Aug 14 10:06:46 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: 2023-08-14 10:06:46.116+0000 INFO  This instance is ServerId{c64592ee} (c64592ee-dba6-4c31-8dc0-acc978293b50)
Aug 14 10:06:47 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: 2023-08-14 10:06:47.709+0000 INFO  ======== Neo4j 5.9.0 ========
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: 2023-08-14 10:06:55.334+0000 ERROR Failed to start Neo4j on
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error starting Neo4j database server at /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.graphdb.facade.DatabaseManagementServiceFactory.startDatabaseServer( ~[neo4j-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at ~[neo4j-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.server.CommunityBootstrapper.createNeo( ~[neo4j-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.server.NeoBootstrapper.start( [neo4j-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.server.NeoBootstrapper.start( [neo4j-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.server.CommunityEntryPoint.main( [neo4j-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: Caused by: org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifecycleException: Component 'org.neo4j.procedure.impl.GlobalProceduresRegistry@dd2856e' was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see the attached cause exception "Some jar procedure files (apoc->
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.start( ~[neo4j-common-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport.start( ~[neo4j-common-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.graphdb.facade.DatabaseManagementServiceFactory.startDatabaseServer( ~[neo4j-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         ... 5 more
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: Caused by: Some jar procedure files (apoc- are invalid, see log for details.
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.procedure.impl.ProcedureJarLoader.loadProceduresFromDir( ~[neo4j-procedure-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.procedure.impl.GlobalProceduresRegistry.start( ~[neo4j-procedure-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.start( ~[neo4j-common-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport.start( ~[neo4j-common-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         at org.neo4j.graphdb.facade.DatabaseManagementServiceFactory.startDatabaseServer( ~[neo4j-5.9.0.jar:5.9.0]
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]:         ... 5 more
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: 2023-08-14 10:06:55.342+0000 INFO  Neo4j Server shutdown initiated by request
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483815]: 2023-08-14 10:06:55.344+0000 INFO  Stopped.
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: Neo4j web server failed to start. See log for more info.
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[483786]: Run with '--verbose' for a more detailed error message.
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Aug 14 10:06:55 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Consumed 20.085s CPU time.

This should be changed:

''. It is replaced by ''.

Also check your plugins directory agan so no old/other jar files are around:

Some jar procedure files (apoc- are invalid,

I hope it is just those things and that you will be up and running again soon.

so I replaced the command as suggested and also checked and no old jar files were present butt still when trying to start neo4j there are errors and it doesn't starts

command executed -> sudo systemctl start neo4j
output generated ->
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]: Usage: neo4j [-hV] [--expand-commands] [--verbose] [COMMAND]
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]: A partial alias for 'neo4j-admin server'. Commands for working with DBMS process from 'neo4j-admin server' category can
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]: be invoked using this command.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:       --expand-commands   Allow command expansion in config value evaluation.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   -h, --help              Show this help message and exit.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   -V, --version           Print version information and exit.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:       --verbose           Prints additional information.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]: Commands:
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   version  Print version information and exit.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   help     Display help information about the specified command.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   console  Start server in console.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   restart  Restart the server daemon.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   start    Start server as a daemon.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   status   Get the status of the neo4j server process.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   stop     Stop the server daemon.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]: Environment variables:
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   NEO4J_CONF    Path to directory which contains neo4j.conf.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   NEO4J_DEBUG   Set to anything to enable debug output.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   NEO4J_HOME    Neo4j home directory.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   HEAP_SIZE     Set JVM maximum heap size during command execution. Takes a number and a unit, for example 512m.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]:   JAVA_OPTS     Used to pass custom setting to Java Virtual Machine executing the command. Refer to JVM documentation
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 neo4j[79944]: about the exact format. This variable is incompatible with HEAP_SIZE and takes precedence over HEAP_SIZE.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Aug 15 05:48:10 ip-172-31-87-208 systemd[1]: neo4j.service: Consumed 4.170s CPU time.

I think the status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT is due to your ExecStart in the service definition. Now it would be good to go back to the original one. If I recall it correctly it should have something like this in it:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/neo4j start
ExecStop=/usr/bin/neo4j stop
ExecReload=/usr/bin/neo4j restart

I think you would get it if you re-install the neo4j package.