Hello all,
I found an old web entry showing the integration of Neo4j with the LibreOffice Database via JDBC (Neo4j: JDBC Connection Case Using LibreOffice).
I was curious to see if this integration would still work today. So I downloaded the Neo4j JDBC Bolt Driver [neo4j-jdbc-bolt-4.0.9.jar] from the Maven repo.
I created a JDBC connector within LibreOffice with the following settings
JDBC driver: org.neo4j.jdbc.bolt.BoltDriver
JDBC Url: jdbc:neo4j:bolt://localhost:7687
LibreOffice wasn't able to load the driver.
Using the driver class name org.neo4j.jdbc.Driver didn't work either.
My system is macos12 with the JDK installed via Homebrew and the respective JAVA settings all made. The Neo4j JDBC jar is located in library/java/extensions
Does anybody have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
Any ideas regarding the correct driver and uri settings would be great.