Neo4j home for embedded servers

Hello, I can't seem to find neo4j home for my embedded community edition neo4j 5.5.0 server. I need it to add my plugin jar with my user defined procedures.
This is my current java code.

DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder dbmsBuilder = new DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder(FilePaths.neo4j_home)
     .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.neo4j_home, FilePaths.neo4j_home)
     .setConfig(BoltConnector.enabled, true)
     .setConfig(BoltConnector.listen_address, socketAddress)
     .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.data_directory, FilePaths.dataPath.resolve(uuid).resolve(FilePaths.database))
     .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.logs_directory, FilePaths.dataPath.resolve(uuid).resolve(FilePaths.logs));
DatabaseManagementService dbms =;
return new DbmsAddressPair(dbms, socketAddress);

The code works and I'm able to query the database but I can't find anything at path: FilePaths.neo4j_home even though I can find the database directories at path: FilePaths.dataPath.resolve(uuid).resolve(FilePaths.database). I also can't find anything at any of the paths given here: (I use debian 11). The var/lib/neo4j directory doesn't exist and neither does the user/bin/neo4j executable.
I simply need help getting my procedures to the database. Thank you very much :slight_smile:.