I am using Neo4j To support Abandoned Cart/Search use case.
I store User-> Product relationships
But, I see most of the times at peak load Neo4j CPU choking and Query times are not good.
Cpu mostly chokes on IOWait.
NeoVersion - 3.5.6
Instance - i3.2xlarge (8 vCPUS)
Page cache- 40g
This is a causal cluster with 3 Read replicas, and ~20 Python servers querying on Neo4j
Concurrent Writes/Deletions(In batches) are also happening on database.
Have a read throughput of 10k/min, Do we need to tune bolt configs? I am using bolt+routing python driver
My graph size is ~200GB.
I want to know, recent products which a User has abandoned in cart or search?
User -[r:ADDED_TO_CART]-> Product
User -[r:PURCHASED]-> Product
Query uses Bulk reads 100 users at a time.
Query -
MATCH (user:mapUser20201_14)-[action_rel:ADDED_TO_CART]->(product:mapProduct20201_14)
WHERE (user.user_id IN $user_ids)
AND (action_rel.action_time >= $action_time
AND action_rel.action_time < $action_time)
with action_rel,user,product order by action_rel.action_time desc
return distinct user{.user_id}, product{.product_id} ,
head(collect(action_rel{.action_time})) as action_rel
I am using DISTINCT as I want the top unique product and time of that action.
Checkpointing was taking ~50m so increased the iops.limit=-1, now it is reduced to ~2m, also changed the default interval of 15m to 1h
I usually see queries takes ~500-2000ms, and CPU is very high (User+IOWait) > 200%.
As there is no way to index relationship property, I cant do much here.
I already have index on mapUser20201_14{user_id} and mapProduct20201_14{product_id} (Unique constarint which also creates index)
- I dont want my CPU to hike so much and Queries to return result in lesser time.
- Is there something which can be done here?
- Can writes affect Read query performances?
- I also analysed GC logs but not much of GC pauses.
- If there are too many DB hits then probably that can be a potential cause? How can i reduce it? I need to query based on timestamp.
- Query is not taking time in Planning phase as mostly it is 0 in query.log but I see log of Page Misses.
I have tried so many things but nothing is working out. Probably Neo4j is not fit fo the use case where query involves timestamps or relation props.