Neo4j GraphQL Library how to use @auth with allow across relationship properties

I see in the documentation (, you can use auth with allow across relationship.

However, I want to add read and edit properties on the relationship.

For example:

type User {

id: ID! @id(autogenerate: true)

authId: String! @unique

objects: [Object!]!

@relationship(type: "ACCESS", direction: OUT, properties: "Access")


type Object {

id: ID! @id(autogenerate: true)

users: [User!]!

@relationship(type: "ACCESS", direction: IN, properties: "Access")


interface Access @relationshipProperties {

edit: Boolean!


How do I setup my auth rules on object so that read operations is allowed for [:ACCESS] and edit operations is allowed for [:ACCESS {edit: true}].

Given the current documentation, it seems I need to create two relationships [:EDIT] and [:READ] for things to work, but that will complicate all my queries when dealing with user's objects.

Hey, I had a similar situation here:

What people responded on the discord:

- The where clause transcribes to a cypher "all" clause so if only some of the where conditions are matched in the different relationships, then it will not work.

- To access a relationship property there seems to be no way of doing this right now inside @auth so the best solution for this is to make a custom resolver and pass some custom cypher that checks for the relationship property in there.

Late but hope that helps :slightly_smiling_face: