Neo4j edition for loading data from BigQuery with GCP Dataflow


I am trying to load data into Neo4j 5.7 Community Edition from GCP BigQuery using the GCP to Neo4j Flex template.

During the process, I am getting this error: - Error executing cypher: CREATE CONSTRAINT IF NOT EXISTS FOR (n:USER) REQUIRE IS NODE KEY, Unable to create Constraint( type='NODE KEY', schema=(:USER {email}) ):
Node Key constraint requires Neo4j Enterprise Edition

For a node configuration, mappings.keys field is required which also creates a node key constraint.

Since node key constraint is only available in Enterprise Edition, does it mean that GCP to Neo4j flex template is only compatible with Neo4j Enterprise Edition? I don't seem to find this information anywhere in the official docs.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi, the templates assume you are using Enterprise Editions which supports these constraints, we do intend to introduce conditional logic in the future so that features that require EE are not run on CE. We should call this out EE is a requirement in the docs