Neo4j Docker - LOAD CSV - Couldn't load the external resource

Neo4j (with Docker) Version: 3.1.7
Operating System: Xubuntu 16.04
API: Python

Created Neo4j Docker with the following:
sudo docker run
--net=dnet01 --ip=1*** 1
--env=NEO4J_dbms_tx_log_rotation_retention_policy="2 days"
--publish=7473:7473 --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687
--env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/

-d neo4j:3.1.7

Placed a test_file in location: /production/analytics/Temp/test-file.csv
Then tried to run below code in python:
with neosession.begin_transaction() as tx:"""LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM {csv_file} AS row
MERGE (s:Test {Name: row._Name})
SET = row._id"""
,{'csv_file': file_id}

When I run the above script I get the below error:
neo4j.v1.exceptions.CypherError: Couldn't load the external resource at: file:/production/analytics/Temp/test-file.csv

My neo4j conf has the following:
Below is commented out:

Below option in uncommented:

Not sure why the file in not being accessed: /production/analytics/Temp/test-file.csv

Using docker, I defined the import volume as:

-v $HOME/neo4j/import:/var/lib/neo4j/import

Then, I copied the files to :/import... i.e.

sudo docker cp myfile.csv neo4j:/import

That works for me.