Neo4j Disk Usage of Properties

Hi everyone,

My graph has a lot of properties in it. I realized that my disk usage growing so fast. So I found out that in /data/databases/neo4j folder the situation is as follows:

1014G ./neostore.propertystore.db
160G ./neostore.propertystore.db.arrays
50G ./neostore.relationshipstore.db
27G ./schema

How can I reduce the usages of them ? I have 200 properties on my graph. If I delete 100 of them with using Cypher (from UI), is propertystore.db usage goes down ?

To long story short, what should I do to reduce disk usage of my graph in terms of this .db variables ?

Thank you so much.

Hi again,

I found out that deleting properties with cypher does not decrease the size of the .db variables.

What should I do for decreasing the disk usage of the graph in terms of properties except deleting and re-creating the graph ?

@florentin_dorre can I get some support please :slight_smile: