I am using neo4j desktop on windows and the database is 4.2.3.
I wanted to add a browser guide, the help/wizard carousel.
I don't know where the root for localhost:7474 is created, or how to make for example ":play guide" point to the the browser guide i made.
on the desktop browser, i have the option to add a file, which places a file inside
C:\Users<user>.Neo4jDesktop\projects<projectname> but it was using a different port 11001 i if i remember correctly.
using a url on localhost using http or https with a different port causes cors missing allow header, which i think is from the client request, as i have it enabled on the server side, so the neo4j browser requests is the one missing the allow cors.
I want to know where to place a file so i can for example do
http://localhost:7474/browser?cmd=play&arg=http://localhost:7474/guide.html or
:play http://localhost:7474/guide.html
I added these two to the response header, and now it's working accepting html from a different server application on a different port number,
in undertow,
exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(new HttpString("Access-Control-Allow-Origin"), "");
exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(new HttpString("Access-Control-Allow-Headers"), "");
I still don't know the root folder for the 7474 web application. I think it might be a nodejs application, but i even tried searching for one of the gifs in one of the guides "Keystrokes2.gif". The one used in 7474 is not from the installed data. the one from the neo4j desktop builtin browser is there. It's not in the installation directory C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop
so it might be in a weird windows folder. I installed neo4j desktop for all users, maybe there is a folder for temp data files, like C:\ProgramData or some other place