Neo4j Desktop: Migrating Existing db to V5.7 Problems

I'm running Neo4j Desktop V1.5.8 (under Windows 11) and wanted to take advantage of the new V5.x database. I saw that you can't directly upgrade. What I did was to create a new V5.x project and then imported a V4.7 database dump as a new database (using V5.7). The import seemed to work (although it briefly paused for about 2 minutes). When I try to access the new default database (Neo4j) in the project it states the database is offline. In the debug log I noted the following entry:

2023-05-01 21:40:40.140+0000 INFO [c.n.c.d.a.AkkaTopologyService] I am server ServerId{cb7534c4}. Removed leader info of member DatabaseId{0ddcb2d8[neo4j]} RaftMemberId{cb7534c4} and term 1
2023-05-01 21:40:40.143+0000 ERROR [c.n.d.r.DbmsReconciler] Encountered error when attempting to reconcile database neo4j (request by SystemGraph:1) to state 'offline', database remains in state 'online'
org.neo4j.dbms.api.DatabaseManagementException: Unable to start database DatabaseId{0ddcb2d8[neo4j]}

How do I either start the database or migrate my existing V4.7 databases to the newer V5.x version for use with the Desktop?


What I would recommend is to create a v4.7 instance in Desktop and import your dump file there first....then, once that is working, you can upgrade the whole instance using the upgrade tab on that instance. I would also recommend not jumping with a single upgrade from the 4.7 to 5.7. I would probably jump 4.7 -> 5.0 -> 5.7 or something like that.

Please do let me know if you run into any issues with this route! Happy to continue to troubleshoot.


Try the steps provided in this link:

Per the message in the Desktop version, " Desktop doesn't support upgrading Neo4j 4.x . to Neo4j 5.x .
You can manually upgrade by installing a Neo4j 5.0 DBMS and then follow the migration guide for more information on how to upgrade from 4.4.x → 5.x."

I wish it was that easy!

Ah, it appears there is a specific migration path, per @ameyasoft's message. Let us know if you have any issues with those steps!

And it would be nice if it were as simple as what I had hoped. :sweat_smile:

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