Neo4j Desktop is running, but `neo4j status` still says that the server is not running?

Neo4j Desktop is an application which manages servers. You can install, start, stop Neo4j DBMS servers using Neo4j Desktop.

Invoke-Neo4j console is a powershell command for starting a Neo4j DBMS server (not a service). The console means that the DBMS will use a terminal window for writing operational information. It also means that closing the terminal window will stop the DBMS.

To run a Neo4j DBMS as a service on Windows, you would use bin\neo4j install-service as described in Windows installation - Operations Manual .

I would not recommend mixing each of these methods for running the database, as they're not suited for working together. You should pick one of:

  1. Neo4j Desktop
  2. Neo4j with PowerShell
  3. Neo4j as a windows service
  4. Neo4j with Docker
  5. Neo4j Aura :slight_smile:

Regarding usernames, the neo4j username is the only name that always exists. It is the root user, or dbms administrator account. Listing other usernames is only possible after logging in. For details about user management, take a look at Managing users - Cypher Manual .

Hope that helps.
