Hi there,
I am taking the course "Build an Neo4j-backed Chatbot..". I have forked the repo and developing on my own IDE (VScode).
Everything good except when I follow the "Neo4j Retriever Tool".
It keeps giving me an error regarding the connection to the Neo4j Server.
in my .toml file i have pasted the code found in "Connecting to Neo4j". So I have:
NEO4J_URI = "neo4j+s://82f3237db9dd8250face9188eb40a0cb.neo4jsandbox.com:7687"
NEO4J_USERNAME = "neo4j"
NEO4J_PASSWORD = "coordinations-frame-defect"
and ofc I also have the api_key and openai mode.
When i launch streamlit it returns me this error:
It seems that I cannot reach the Neo4j server.
I followed the guide entirely, except for the part of creating the vector.py. In the page it says to create the file in the folder "solutions/tool", but i guess there is where the solution for the step is in, thus i created the file in mail folder by copying the solution.
I also tried this code to check the connection:
from langchain.graphs import Neo4jGraph
graph = Neo4jGraph(
r = graph.query("MATCH (m:Movie{title: 'Toy Story'}) RETURN m")
But it returns me the error:
"name": "ValueError",
"message": "Could not connect to Neo4j database. Please ensure that the url is correct",
is it a problem with the neo4j server?