I am excited to learn about neo4j and can't wait to get my hands on it. I am not too sure why I cannot get any graph out in the console ?
I have installed jdk 15 & neo4j community edition, did all the necessary login to the server to be connected.
I have set jdk 15 back to JAVA_HOME etc..
The message "You are connected as user" etc.. came up. But, I tried the default Cypher basic and click run. There is no graph output to be seen. I checked database information: connected as : disconnect: server disconnect ... username : neo4j, roles: -
Then I tried second default example : movie dataset, there is a graph. After the graph is shown, there is a message "Server is disconnected" . I have to login again.
Is it normal to have server disconnected ?
Is neo4j desktop more 'stable' than community edition which does need to do any server connections ?
I am clueless what has gone wrong and appreciate for guidance as have been meddling with the installation for 2 days.
jdk 15 ???? im not aware of Neo4j being supported under JDK 15. It may ? it may not ?? but at least per System requirements - Operations Manual which is the documentation for Neo4j 4.2 the requirements indicate
It is required to have a pre-installed, compatible Java Virtual Machine (JVM), to run a Neo4j instance.
Table 7. Neo4j version and JVM requirements.
Neo4j Version JVM compliancy
3.x Java SE 8 Platform Specificaton
4.x Java SE 11 Platform Specificaton
now maybe Java 15 has nothing to do with the server disconnects. maybe? needless its not on the tested/supported platform
Many thanks for your help!
I am unsure why I am still encountering the same issue as of today.
The following actions I have done :
-Installed jdk 11 and redirect through environment variables
Launch neo4j web browser program using the default port. Same issue '' Server is disconnect" .
-Installed neo4J desktop to try but found the same issue "Server is disconnect"