Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError using |

I am stumped here -

Trying to do a simple match on Node labels.

I copied DIRECTLY from the cypher manual

the code

MATCH (n:Movie|Person)
RETURN AS name, n.title AS title

but when I run it in the sandbox - I get this error

Invalid input '|': expected ")", "WHERE", "{" or a parameter (line 1, column 15 (offset: 14))
"MATCH (n:Movie|Person)"


Thank you to glilienfield and elaine - I found the Cypher Manual v4.

So will the test be on version 4 syntax?

That is the new version 5 syntax that allows logical expressions for the label condition. The documentation version is selected in the dropdown menu in the upper lefthand side of the window.

Prior to that, you could construct logical expressions in the 'where' clause, such as:

WHERE n:Movie or n:Person
RETURN AS name, n.title AS title

We have not updated the certification exam to test R5 syntax. We will do so after the courses are updated.


In. the course sandbox we still use V4 of Neo4j so as @glilienfield said, you need to select the V4 docs.