Neo.ClientError.Statement.SemanticError: Cannot merge node using null property value for name

While performing below query in NEO4J getting error.

LOAD csv with headers from "file:///1Skills_data.csv" as Skills
MERGE (mis:MinorSkill {name:Skills.L3})
With Skills
MATCH (ms:MajorSkill {name:Skills.L2}),(mis:MinorSkill {name:Skills.L3})
MERGE (ms)-[r:HAS]->(mis)
RETURN ms,mis

error:- Neo.ClientError.Statement.SemanticError: Cannot merge node using null property value for name

Any suggestion please.

you must have problem with your csv data.could you please check the values of L3 column.

and could you please tell us what output you want after query execution ?

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Along those lines, could you provide the first row of your CSV file?

With statement should follow the LOAD statement.

LOAD csv with headers from "file:///1Skills_data.csv" as Skills
With Skills

MERGE (mis:MinorSkill {name:Skills.L3})
MATCH (ms:MajorSkill {name:Skills.L2}),(mis:MinorSkill {name:Skills.L3})
MERGE (ms)-[r:HAS]->(mis)
RETURN ms,mis;