Need help on enabling a custom Neo Agent in NeoConverse App

In the NeoConverse app( , I am trying to setup a custom Neo Agent with my details of my own neo4j instance, schema and few shot learning samples. I did so but the queries to LLM return a standard response 'RETURN "The question is out of the given schema scope."'. Also I don't see proper documentation other than the Youtube video that shows a sample configuration. So my questions are:

  1. What is the best format to represent the SCHEMA in the Agent input. The screenshot below is the way the video shows it to be:
    Doesn't the app read the schema from the Neo4j DB? Is this how the schema need to be represented as it is very tedious to generate this format.
  2. How do we validate if the model is actually referencing the configured custom Agent? Is there a way to access logs to validate this?