Need Help in Unwind Query


I need to know, how can get all the matching records and non matching record by passing query params from nodejs.

i want result something like if file exists then

   name: 'p1.pdf',
   exist: true
   name: 'p2.pdf',
   exist: true
   name: 'p3.pdf',
   exist: false
   unwind [{name: 'p1.pdf' },{name: 'p2.pdf'} , {name: 'p3.pdf'}] as r		
   match (f:file) where =
   return collect({name:, exist: exists(})

for 3 records it should 3 records only. else i have to loop one by one via nodejs.

I don't know how to return item which are not matched in neo4j. could anyone please explain and guide?


Hi @sumitsinghbhavra,

Try below
:param clist =>['a','b','x','y']
unwind $clist as c match(n:file) return Case when c in collect(distinct Then c+' exists' else c+' does not exist' end

thanks vivek. it not giving me array of objects

unwind $clist as c match(n:file) return With Case when c in collect(distinct Then c+' exists' else c+' does not exist' end as rlist return collect(rlist)

its not working. giving error because of 2 returns

Ah.. typo mistake

unwind $clist as c match(n:file) With Case when c in collect(distinct Then c+' exists' else c+' does not exist' end as rlist return collect(rlist)

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