Need Help for Assignment: E-Commerce data set / recommendation system with Neo4j

Hello community :slight_smile:

I urgently need help, I'm getting desperate, I just can't find any code (adapted to Neo4j) that I can use directly.

My topic: Product recommendation system for e-commerce.
Task: Simulate a recommendation network in which customers are recommended products based on similar purchase patterns and ratings.

I have created a small example so that you can see how I envision it:

Unfortunately, I have to present the assignment with a much larger data set.

If something like this doesn't already exist, my plan now was to download such a dataset from Kaggle and then write commands that create all the relations between the customers and products etc.

Does anyone know anything about this, or does anyone know where I can find such a dataset? I would be infinitely grateful if you could help me :slight_smile:

I am using Neo4jDesktop 1.6.1
Many thanks in advance and best regards

I have a small example here: notebooks/e2e-demo.ipynb at main ยท lqst/notebooks ยท GitHub

It does not include rating/reviews, but maybe you can generate some data for that (for customers that actually bought an item).

Apologies in advance because my code is a bit outdated and old, never got the time to update it :sweat_smile:

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Got this link for a repository - unsure if it will meet your needs but can check it out

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We (at Neo4j) have a GenAI workshop that we run through at some of our events. That workshop uses a dataset from Kaggle that is aligned with the use case (product recommendations) - there is code in the workshop to load that data into Neo4j (as well as code to prep the data from the Kaggle dataset) - it might be useful for you GitHub - neo4j-product-examples/genai-workshop: Generative AI Deep Dive Workshops

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thx for all the answers :D

I figured out how to use a bigger E-Commerce Dataset from Keggle and create customer and products out of that and relations between them. Relatively simple but it should be enough for the assignment.

Big thx again to all of u :))