I urgently need help, I'm getting desperate, I just can't find any code (adapted to Neo4j) that I can use directly.
My topic: Product recommendation system for e-commerce.
Task: Simulate a recommendation network in which customers are recommended products based on similar purchase patterns and ratings.
I have created a small example so that you can see how I envision it:
Unfortunately, I have to present the assignment with a much larger data set.
If something like this doesn't already exist, my plan now was to download such a dataset from Kaggle and then write commands that create all the relations between the customers and products etc.
Does anyone know anything about this, or does anyone know where I can find such a dataset? I would be infinitely grateful if you could help me
I am using Neo4jDesktop 1.6.1
Many thanks in advance and best regards
We (at Neo4j) have a GenAI workshop that we run through at some of our events. That workshop uses a dataset from Kaggle that is aligned with the use case (product recommendations) - there is code in the workshop to load that data into Neo4j (as well as code to prep the data from the Kaggle dataset) - it might be useful for you GitHub - neo4j-product-examples/genai-workshop: Generative AI Deep Dive Workshops
I figured out how to use a bigger E-Commerce Dataset from Keggle and create customer and products out of that and relations between them. Relatively simple but it should be enough for the assignment.