Need a further clarification on "With"

Although "With" is used to chain query parts and pipe results from one part to another, it only pipe variables in the query scope. The state of graph is always available to each query part, no need to be piped. Is this understanding correct? Thank you again.

What do you mean by “the state of the graph?”


It is important to note that WITH affects variables in scope. Any variables
 not included in the WITH clause are not carried over to the rest of the 
query. The wildcard * can be used to include all variables that are
 currently in scope.

Hi, this is not about WITH, but if I understand your question correctly, it might help you to understand WITH (the link Dana sent you).

This link in the docs explain how Cypher statements are composed and on what data they work on: Clause composition - Cypher Manual

Happy reading!

Thank you for all the input. What I got now is: WITH only affects variables. Adding "state" only made my question more complex. To simplify, the graph database is available to every part of the query, including the sub queries. The "state" depends on when the part or the subquery being called or processed. Thanks again.