Unexpected integration of the Turtle* file below. Can't find the way to present an additional type of relation as literal property
dcterms:type <URN:HierarchicalRelationshipType_1_IRI>;
Any ideas?
@Jesus I remember we discussed this issue during our call with WoltersKluwer...
Thank you
<URN:NodeА_IRI> a pcicore:WorkCollection
dcterms:type <URN:NodeType_1_IRI>;
dcterms:title "Node A Title".
<URN:NodeB_IRI> a frbr:Work ;
dcterms:type <URN:NodeType_2_IRI>;
frbr:partOf <URN:NodeА_IRI>;
dcterms:title "Node B Title".
<URN:NodeC_IRI> a frbr:Work ;
dcterms:type <URN:NodeType_2_IRI>;
frbr:partOf <URN:NodeА_IRI>;
dcterms:title "Node C Title".
<< <URN:NodeA_IRI> pcicore:relatesToChild <URN:NodeB_IRI> >>
dcterms:type <URN:HierarchicalRelationshipType_1_IRI>;
pcicore:hasSortKey "1".
# reverse connection
<< <URN:NodeB_IRI> pcicore:relatesToParent <URN:NodeA_IRI> >>
dcterms:type <URN:HierarchicalRelationshipType_1_IRI>;
pcicore:hasSortKey "1".
<< <URN:NodeA_IRI> pcicore:relatesToChild <URN:NodeC_IRI> >>
dcterms:type <URN:HierarchicalRelationshipType_1_IRI>;
pcicore:hasSortKey "2".
# reverse connection
<< <URN:NodeC_IRI> pcicore:relatesToParent <URN:NodeA_IRI> >>
dcterms:type <URN:HierarchicalRelationshipType_1_IRI>;
pcicore:hasSortKey "2".