I have a mutation createaAccess that creates a HAS_ACCESS_TO relationship between 2 nodes. This works fine.
createaAccess(user: ID!, entity_role: [String]!, application_role: [String]!, entity: Int!): WorkstationUser
MATCH (from:WorkstationUser {id: $user})
MATCH (to {id: $entity})
SET to:Entity
MERGE (from)-[:HAS_ACCESS_TO {application_role: $application_role, entity_role: $entity_role} ]->(to)
I was wondering if there was a way to send user Object instead of id? One of the Apollo graphql tutorial says it can be done. Ref https://www.apollographql.com/docs/ios/mutations#input-objects
But If I change the mutation schema to
createaAccess(user: WorkstationUser!, entity_role: [String]!, ....
It gives me validation error when parsing schema on load itself.
[nodemon] starting `node src/index.js`
throw new Error(errors.map(function (error) {
Error: The type of Mutation.createaAccess(user:) must be Input Type but got: WorkstationUser!.
at assertValidSchema (D:\graphqlws\graphql-graphdb\node_modules\graphql\type\validate.js:80:11)