Multiple values in column in csv file

I'm new to neo4j. I searched for my problem but couldn't find it. I have a csv file with movie name, movie type, director, producer etc.
Some of these columns contain more than one value. I want to import these values into neo4j database but I couldn't.
For example, the manufacturer column contains more than one value. When I export it to neo4j it writes 3 values as a single node. I want to show each value as different nodes.
Can you help me?
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LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '.../FilmData.csv' AS line
MERGE (n:Movie{title:line.Film_Adi_TR,released:Vizyon_Tarihi, genre:Film_Turu})
Merge (n)-[:Yapimci]->(y)

Can you upload the data for a few lines of the data?