Merge multiple node with neo4j-driver in js


im trying to get variables of an array and create node for them so i have a foreach

words.forEach((res, index) => {

to get all of the items and then run this query`MERGE (n:words{name:'${res}'})`) }

but i get this error

Queries cannot be run directly on a session with an open transaction; either run from within the transaction or use a different session.

i tried to use rxsession but didnt work

- use real parameters not string substitution
- if you want to run multiple operations, use session.writeTransaction() and
- but the real solution here is to pass in your list of words as a parameter and use UNWIND

UNWIND $words AS word
MERGE (:Word {name:word})

What does "didn't work" mean?
I can't see anything (except database connection credentials being wrong) as a reason for this not to work.

hi @michael_hunger

i tried what u said but didn't work . my list is like this [He,says,that,with,my,imaginative,power,and,habit,of,story-making,a,nervous,weakness,like,mine,is,sure,to,lead,to,all,manner,of,excited,fancies,and,that,I,ought,to,use,my,will,and,good,sense,to,check,the,tendency,.]

my query is this :"unwind $word as item merge (:words{name : item})"),{



the only way it worked was put $word in to quotation and it just make all of the list as 1 node

hi @michael_hunger

my word list is like this [He,says,that,with,my,imaginative,power,and,habit,of,story-making,a,nervous,weakness,like,mine,is,sure,to,lead,to,all,manner,of,excited,fancies,and,that,I,ought,to,use,my,will,and,good,sense,to,check,the,tendency,.]

when i try to use query with unwind it wont insert any thing into database

my code is\`unwind ${words} as word merge (:words{name : word})\`)

only way this insert is when i put ${words} into quotation and by this query it just insert all of this list into 1 node

i fixed it it was because of node js

as i said my list was something like this ["test","test1"] but in node js when u wanna use that list it is like this [test,test1] so i add " " to them and then unwind them and it fixed

tnx a lot sir

look my connection its ok cause i test some queries it was fine

here is my list that im testing on

var n=['qut','test','ted','vgf']

and this is query im sending`unwind ${n} as word MERGE (:words{name:word})`)

but nothing added to my database