Meetup @ GraphSummit Berlin

Monday, July 4, 2022
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM MESZ


We are back on the road to deliver the latest and greatest of graphs, come along and connect with fellow Neo4j enthusiasts in Berlin!

To finish GraphSummit Berlin we are hosting a Meetup. There will be beer and pizza (of course) and we want to discuss graphs and Neo4j with the community.

Talk #1
Explore a fun dataset with Neo4j AuraDB Free - Michael Hunger, Neo4j Developer Relations
We pick a dataset and work it from model into graph and explore with a few questions and live queries. Keeping it interactive with the audience!

Talk #2
Uncover the Hidden in Your Neo4j Graph - Thorsten Liebig, Derivo
Understanding large graphs is challenging. Using the latest Panama
Papers, we show how to explore and visualize complex Neo4j graphs with
SemSpect, a tool which uses visual aggregation to solve the hairball
problem of graph visualization. The aggregation approach enables users
to explore large knowledge graphs, from the meta level down to all node

We also have a special gift to all participants of the Meetup which revolves around Neo4j AuraDB - for now we cannot say more! But we are sure you will like it!

You are welcome to join the full GraphSummit event! Please register here: