We are using KNN like similarity search capabilities using one of the Vector databases. Now we are looking at integrating that capability in to our graph database on Neo4j. I see that KNN based vector search is supported in Neo4j. But it looks like we can not generate the vectors externally and store into Neo4j. We would like the following process flow. In each node we will have only one property which is used for this functionality..
- While loading / updating the data into neo4j for selected nodes we want to store the embeddings of one of the property (generated using our own model outside of neo4j).
- Load / update the vector property in to neo4j
- As part of our regular query make use of the neo4 provided similarity search.
Looking at the documents looks like we need to integrate any LLM model for embeddings into neo4j, this will not work for for us.
Any suggestions / recommendations to follow to achieve the same. Especially generating the embeddings outside and storing into neo4j, then follow the standard procedure / process?.