opened 11:53PM - 24 May 23 UTC
# :grey_question: About
We currently run an ever bigger and complex Neo4J dat…abase as we use it to put[ our whole information system cartography in it](
When comes the time to document our relational (eg. PostrgeSQL) database, we use to (through [`Liquibase`]( :
- :heavy_check_mark: Put [remarks/comments ]( all database objects (table, columns,...)
- :heavy_check_mark: generate a graph with [schemacrawler]( that uses previous metadatas
The benfits are that we could totally automate our documentation process from code, within CI from end to end.
:point_right: We would like to achieve the same automated documentation workflow on Neo4J... but currently it looks like we are stuck in the following situation :
- ❌ Put remarks on all database objects (entities & relationships
- :heavy_check_mark: Generate database diagram with [`apoc.meta.graph`](
# :pray: Feature request
Make it possible to put remarks (from within `cypher` so we can embed it within [`liquibase/liquibase-neo4j`]( ) on any Neo4J object:
- [ ] entities
- [ ] relatrionsships
- [ ] constraints
- [ ] indexes
- [ ] UDF
- [x] Any object... including graphes themselves (already implement I guess :thought_balloon: )
# :bookmark: Resources
- [🌌 Digital identities journey w. Neo4J ](
- [🕵️ Active Directory Groups audit w. Neo4J](
- [🗣️ Our speech about "IT holism" at #nodes22 💡](
- [COMMENT on psql](
- [Liquibase `setColumnRemarks`](
- [Liquibase `setTableRemarks`](
# :weight_lifting: Current alternative
We currelty achieve a manuel documentation process :sweat: .