Recently inherited a 2.1.4 install of neo and looking to upgrade to latest greatest. It appears that I need to move it stepwise through the 2.x versions before I can get to 3.x though.
Have taken a copy of the existing "graph.db" folder and am trying to bring it up in 2.3.1. The following error code appears when I start (with "allow_store_upgrade=true"):
<path>/neostore.nodestore.db' has a store version number that we cannot upgrade from. Expected 'v0.A.3' but file is version ''.
The backup was taken from the current working system by:
shut down
tar -cfz graph.db.tgz <graph.db path>
My questions:
Is it not possible to go from 2.1.x to 2.3.x? Do I need to find 2.2.x first?
Is there a different / better way to backup / restore the data?
Is this the appropriate upgrade path (2.1 -> 2.3 -> 3.1?->3.5?)
3.x introduced many new changes and it may be easier & faster to just start on a fresh install and migrate your data from the 2.x instance to a 3.x instance.
We generally enable compatibility to upgrade from the latest in any given version to the next. However, you have a really really old release you inherited!
Question 1
Cannot go directly from 2.1.4 to 2.3.x-- you'll need to go through the latest in the 2.1 series. No need to go to 2.2.
Question 2: Backup and restore is available on enterprise (and backups are a good way to do upgrades there), but not on community. The way you mentioned is the best way to do it on community.
Failed to open index:838. Requesting re-population. Index is not fully initialized since it's missing the meta page | GBPTree[file:/usr/local/src/neodata/databases/graph
It's quite likely the product of not going through the supported upgrade path (to handle index format changes that have happened). Following the documentation, the path I mentioned is the one officially supported.
Have you tried just removing the index and recreating it?
When using the: java -jar 2.x-config-migrator.jar /neo4j/2.3 /neo4j/3.4
is this the actual path or there's a path I need to point it to?
Because when I use this line I get the error message
WARNING: No server config file found. Attempting to convert without it: