Locked up database with query in the "Closing" status

We have a strange problem with writing into Neo4J database. Reading works fine at all times.

After certain time of operation, our database will get into the state, where writes are not possible anymore. Any query "MATCH ... SET ... RETURN" hangs indifinetly and after a long time it ends with:

The transaction has been terminated. Retry your operation in a new transaction, and you should see a successful result. The transaction has been terminated, so no more locks can be acquired. This can occur because the transaction ran longer than the configured transaction timeout, or because a human operator manually terminated the transaction, or because the database is shutting down. ForsetiClient[transactionId=38053, clientId=2294]

It looks like a lock problem, but when inspecting current running transactions, I see this:

micauser@neo4j> call dbms.listTransactions() yield transactionId, startTime, currentQueryId, currentQuery, status;
| transactionId | startTime | currentQueryId | currentQuery | status |
| "neo4j-transaction-5910" | "2022-12-12T19:11:41.448Z" | "" | "" | "Closing" |
| "neo4j-transaction-5913" | "2022-12-12T19:13:13.952Z" | "query-18087" | "call dbms.listTransactions() yield transactionId, startTime, currentQueryId, currentQuery, status;" | "Running" |

`So the problematic query is in "Closing" state. Any ideas what might be wrong and how to debug it?

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Can you run your write query with the clause EXPLAIN as the first clause of the query?
You can also try an update, recent updates fixed some writing problems.

Hi there. I am having the same situation here. Some ghosts ˜Closing˜ transactions with no query query attached and locking all other transactions. It waits for the configured transaction timeout apparently.

I have encountered the same issue. The transaction with "Closing" status retains and the database freezes for hours. Any idea?

After hours, it closed. Unfortunately, I only waited until it closed internally. It seems to me that there is nothing we can do on the user side.