Loading Northwind graph does not succeed

I am running the browser guide for the Northwind graph (:play northwind graph). The first command to run is the following:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "http://data.neo4j.com/northwind/products.csv" AS row

CREATE (n:Product)

SET n = row,

n.unitPrice = toFloat(row.unitPrice),

n.unitsInStock = toInteger(row.unitsInStock), n.unitsOnOrder = toInteger(row.unitsOnOrder),

n.reorderLevel = toInteger(row.reorderLevel), n.discontinued = (row.discontinued <> "0")

The csv-file http://data.neo4j.com/northwind/products.csv contains 77 products, but only 6 nodes with label Product arte created. Why is that?

You need to load https://data.neo4j.com/northwind/products.csv


Hi Elaine, this does not solve the problem. Whether I use http or https, I can successfully download the csv to my computer. Because I could download the file (using http) I could check the contents of the file. And that made me expect that 77 nodes would be created.

I attempted the LOAD CSV using http and I did get 6 records.

When I used https, I got 77 records.


Thanks for the explaination. Can you please change the query tutorial for "Northwind"? It now states "http" instead of "https".

Thanks, the change is in the works.
