Loading csv with date fields and default values


I have a csv file with date fields (string in the file)...
not all of them contain values.
Those who have values - the format is dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM
I need to import them and convert to datetime with the following conditions:
If it's null or empty, save it as NULL
If it's a string, convert it to datetime and save as datetime
I'm struggling with the load script
I'm using "CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("LOAD CSV....." , MATCH....
Any ideas how to id right?

That date format is not supported by neo4j temporal date time functions. As such, you can parse it and convert it to a datetime value manually. The following script creates a node and then sets the datetime property only when the datetime value in the import is not null.

load csv with headers from "file:///Untitled.csv" as row
merge(n:TestNode{id: toInteger(row.id)})
with n, row
call (n, row) {
    with row.date as date_value
    where date_value is not null
    with datetime({
        day: toInteger(substring(date_value, 0, 2)), 
        month: toInteger(substring(date_value, 3, 2)),
        year: toInteger(substring(date_value, 6, 4)),
        hour: toInteger(substring(date_value, 11, 2)) + CASE WHEN substring(date_value, 20, 2) = "PM" THEN 12 ELSE 0 END,
        minute: toInteger(substring(date_value, 14, 2)),
        second: toInteger(substring(date_value, 17, 2)),
        timezone: 'America/New York'
    }) as converted_date
    set n.dateValue = converted_date
return n

Test file:


You could use an APOC function to convert your date to a neo4j valid format, such that you could use the Neo4j datetime function. Here is an example:

with "10/01/2024 10:15:30 PM" as date_value
return datetime(apoc.date.convertFormat(date_value, "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss a", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"))

Here is an example using apoc.periodic.iterate:

CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
load csv with headers from 'file:///Untitled.csv' as row
return row
merge(n:TestNode{id: toInteger(row.id)})
with n, row
call (n, row) {
with row.date as date_value
where date_value is not null
with datetime({
    day: toInteger(substring(date_value, 0, 2)), 
    month: toInteger(substring(date_value, 3, 2)),
    year: toInteger(substring(date_value, 6, 4)),
    hour: toInteger(substring(date_value, 11, 2)) + CASE WHEN substring(date_value, 20, 2) = 'PM' THEN 12 ELSE 0 END,
    minute: toInteger(substring(date_value, 14, 2)),
    second: toInteger(substring(date_value, 17, 2)),
    timezone: 'America/New York'
}) as converted_date
set n.dateValue = converted_date}

Hi, Thanks for your answer...
I'm trying something similar to what you wrote and it doesn't work:

CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(

           "LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///data/TEST/Relationships.csv' AS row RETURN row",

"MATCH(fact:Factory {factNumber: row.factNumber})

WITH row, fact

MATCH(per:Person {personId: row.person_Id})

WITH per, fact, row, CASE WHEN row.End_Date IS NOT NULL AND row.End_Date <> '' THEN


    day: toInteger(substring(row.End_Date, 0, 2)),

    month: toInteger(substring(row.End_Date, 3, 2)),

    year: toInteger(substring(row.End_Date, 6, 4))

})  ELSE '' END as dateEnd

FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN row.Contact_Type_Id = '39' THEN [1] ELSE END |

MERGE (per)-[r:CEO {


           , target: fact.factNumber

           , relTypeId: row.Contact_Type_Id}]->(fact)


r.factoryNumber = fact.factNumber

, r.dateEnd = dateEnd


// More Foreach statements here for other cases row.Contact_Type_Id = '39' ('40', '41'....)


{batchSize:5000, parallel:false, iterateList:true, failOnError:false, retries:0} )

           YIELD batch, operations, timeTaken, failedOperations, failedBatches, errorMessages WITH failedOperations AS failedRows UNWIND failedRows AS row RETURN row;

This executes.

CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///data/TEST/Relationships.csv' AS row RETURN row",
    MATCH(fact:Factory {factNumber: row.factNumber})
    MATCH(per:Person {personId: row.person_Id})
    WITH per, fact, row, CASE WHEN row.End_Date IS NOT NULL AND row.End_Date <> '' THEN
        day: toInteger(substring(row.End_Date, 0, 2)),
        month: toInteger(substring(row.End_Date, 3, 2)),
        year: toInteger(substring(row.End_Date, 6, 4))
    })  ELSE '' END as dateEnd
    FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN row.Contact_Type_Id = '39' THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
        MERGE (per)-[r:CEO {source:per.idNumber, target: fact.factNumber, relTypeId: row.Contact_Type_Id}]->(fact)
        ON CREATE SET r.factoryNumber = fact.factNumber, r.dateEnd = dateEnd
    // More Foreach statements here for other cases row.Contact_Type_Id = '39' ('40', '41'....)
{batchSize:5000, parallel:false, iterateList:true, failOnError:false, retries:0} )
YIELD batch, operations, timeTaken, failedOperations, failedBatches, errorMessages WITH failedOperations AS failedRows UNWIND failedRows AS row RETURN row;

BTW- as it is written, the query does not do anything if row.Contact_Type_Id = '39'. As such, you could just add that condition upfront after the load csv to not continue.