WITH "https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1kcNZm0A2I3k9xN1IfNRITOHEzdnqgG7e&export=download" AS requests_url
CALL apoc.load.csv(requests_url)
MERGE (n:Node {id: map.id})
SET n += map
In your CSV, the first column doesn't have a column name so in the map object you have a key which has "" as name and that's why you have this error.
So this query will remove the column with no name then load nodes:
WITH "https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1kcNZm0A2I3k9xN1IfNRITOHEzdnqgG7e&export=download" AS requests_url
CALL apoc.load.csv(requests_url)
WITH apoc.map.clean(map, [""], []) AS map
MERGE (n:Node {request_id: map.request_id})
SET n += map
I have changed the URL but still it doesn't work. Please have a look:
WITH "xxxxxxxxx" AS requests_url
CALL apoc.load.csv(requests_url)
WITH apoc.map.clean(map, [""], []) AS map
MERGE (n:Node {request_id: map.request_id})
SET n += map
I'm sorry, I will repeat myself. Your link is not working that's why the query doesn't work with your link but the query is good. So in order to work, you need to make sure that your file is externally accessible.