I try to load a large (4.5GB) json file into neo4j. This file is in jsonl format, meaning each json object is on its own line. There are about 5.3 million entries.
I read about the apoc.load..() functions but have a few questions:
Do I have to take care of periodic commits?
Can I split the file via apoc.load on the line endings?
There is no periodic commit by default, but you can easily do that (untested code below, take care);
"call apoc.load.json(....) yield value return value",
" create (p:Person) set p = $value // placeholder for your create/merge... statement that operates on every json list elemt - aka every value",
{batchSize: 10000});
my problem is that the file is not proper json as a whole, but each line represents a json object. I will try some command line magic to torn this into an json array.