I´m learning Neo4j for two reasons.
One, get new skill to improve my career.
Two, old interest in data relationships.
So, you were basically a graph nerd from the beginning??
What part of Brazil are you from?
hi, Karin. Yes, I am a graph nerd. Live in Avaré/SP. You can find me on Google Maps and facebook too, but not much in these.
Making the exercises to learn Neo4j. Thanks for your contact.
Do you know @jhonathanmarolo ?
Hi @golinleonora, nice to meet you! I'm from São Paulo and also a graph nerd ;)
Let's keep in touch and welcome to neo4j community!
You're a super graph nerd, Jhonathan!
You even translated one our e-books in Portuguese! That's graph nerd to the super power.
The Definitive Guide to Graph Databases for the RDBMS Developer eBook
Thanks Karin for introducing me for JhonathanMarolo. It´s so important.
Hi @jhonathanmarolo. Obrigada. Creio que posso usar o velho e bom português, então. Por enquanto, estou fazendo o curso do próprio site e os exercícios. Tenho pouco tempo por dia para estudar. Fico feliz por saber que há alguém, logo ali, com quem falar.