MATCH (n:Note) WHERE n.createdAt > $lastCheck RETURN id(n) as id, AS nid, n.createdAt AS createdAt
This never publishes data to my topic. If I change the CYPHER to remove the $lastCheck, something like:
MATCH (n:Note) RETURN as nid, n.createdAt as createdAt
it works fine.
Does anyone have experience getting the kafka connect source query to work using $lastCheck? I can't poll my data otherwise making this whole thing totally useless.
Maybe you can try by changing the ' NOW' to
LAST_COMMITTED . because the $lastCheck of LAST_COMMITTED < $lastCheck of Now, that mean with 'NOW' you can't not found your createdAt > NOW($lastCheck) .
@jonathan Hi Jonathan, did you solve this issue? having the exact same problem, documentation is not very clear on how $lastCheck works, I also noticed that datetime is not converted to Timestamp type on the schema registry, it shows as a string. Thanks, Victor