I have a cypher query like MATCH p=(a)-[r *..X]->(b) ... X is a variable sometimes is 4, sometimes, 6 ,...
Let's say that relationships have a date as a property and I want only paths in which the difference of dates of consecutive relationships is 1 day.
I can do something like this (X=4)
MATCH path = (:Node)-[r1]->()-[r2]->()-[r3]->()-[r4]->(:Node)
WHERE duration.between(r1.date, r2.date).days = 1
AND duration.between(r2.date, r3.date).days = 1
AND duration.between(r3.date, r4.date).days = 1
but this is not univesal.
Is there an option to iterate over relationships and compare dates?
you can iterate over relationships dynamically and compare the dates using a variable-length relationship pattern and the relationships() function. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:
MATCH path = (:Node)-[rels*..X]->(:Node)
WHERE all(idx in range(0, size(rels)-2) WHERE duration.between(rels[idx].date, rels[idx+1].date).days = 1)