Is there any way to change Neo4j browser result pane background to white?

Is there any way to change Neo4j browser result pane background to white?
Currently this is "#F9FBFD" color. I do not see anywhere in css file (result of :style command)

node {
  diameter: 50px;
  color: #A5ABB6;
  border-color: #9AA1AC;
  border-width: 2px;
  text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
  font-size: 10px;
relationship {
  color: #A5ABB6;
  shaft-width: 1px;
  font-size: 8px;
  padding: 3px;
  text-color-external: #000000;
  text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
  caption: "<type>";
node.* {
  color: #C990C0;
  border-color: #b261a5;
  text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
  defaultCaption: "<id>";
node.client {
  color: #F79767;
  border-color: #f36924;
  text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
  defaultCaption: "<id>";
  caption: "{client_name}";
node.product {
  color: #57C7E3;
  border-color: #23b3d7;
  text-color-internal: #FFFFFF;
  caption: "{product_name}";

GRASS file can have name to upload (just extension matters?)?

Hi @Gosforth,

maybe this resolve your problems

Thanks but I've seen that. I cannot find section about body color.

Run :style and copy the style to a file with the extension .grass.
Modify it and drag that file and drop it back on the browser.

There's no body background-color there.


Not sure how but for me its white.

So. I don't have any ideas how can changes. Maybe plugins for browser?