I'm trying to demonstrate neo4j capacities for scientists (from nuclear physic to human sciences).
These people heavily use python, so I try to use py2neo to show the potential.
It works, but there's serious bugs. The github project is asleep, there's no commit from august and a lot of issues.
So the question is :is it py2neo dead ?
I know this is a open source project, based on contribution, and everybody make its best. Thanks to Nigel Small to have created py2neo, it's an impressive work.
Could I recommend py2neo to be a solid tool for scientist ?
It looks like the highest priority problem to fix is my having broken the requirements/setup in the last release. I foolishly merged in an experimental branch that brought in requirements for ipython/jupyter and has broken all the things.
I'll look at this as well as your problem over the coming week.