Install GRAPH DATA SCIENCE in neo4j version 4

we are trying to make " [GRAPH DATA SCIENCE]" work with neo4j stand alone server 4.0.1 by copying
"neo4j-graph-data-science-1.1.0-alpha02-standalone.jar" in /var/lib/neo4j/plugins and also by setting*.

In the browser RETURN gds.version() returns"1.1.0-alpha02" but Return gds.list() is throwing the following error
Unknown function 'gds.list' (line 1, column 8 (offset: 7))
"RETURN gds.list()"

Am i missing some thing here


hIall ,
im getting below error

Unknown function 'gds.version' (line 1, column 8 (offset: 7)) "RETURN gds.version()"

code : gds = GraphDataScience(HOST, auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD))

gds version is 1.3 and neo4j is 3.5 still error , can any one help here

Hey @DK ,
As stated in, GDS 1.3 is not compatible with Neo4j 3.5. The last compatible version was GDS 1.1.

I would highly recommend to update Neo4j to a more recent version