Hi I am new to Neo4j but have searched and tried to come to a resolution for a week now with no success. I have a DB with the OffShore_Leaks in it. I have imported the Nodes of Bahamas_Leaks and am trying to get the Relationships of Bahamas inserted.
I have filtered and created a filtered relationship with a header
23000001,intermediary_of,20000035,Bahamas Leaks,The Bahamas Leaks data is current through early 2016.,,
23000001,intermediary_of,20000033,Bahamas Leaks,The Bahamas Leaks data is current through early 2016.,,
23000001,intermediary_of,20000041,Bahamas Leaks,The Bahamas Leaks data is current through early 2016.,,
And have checked that these IDs exist in the Intermediary and Entity Nodes.
I have created a number of Cyphers to import as the bulk importers must have nodes and seem to be mainly to instantiate DB only.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "http://IP_ADDRESS/bulk/import/intermediary_of.csv" AS row
WITH row WHERE row.rel_type = "intermediary_of"
MATCH (n1:Node) WHERE n1.node_id = row.node_1
MATCH (n2:Node) WHERE n2.node_id = row.node_2
Syntactically this looks to be correct
when run via the Desktop I get "(no changes, no records)".
Going in circles on this one.