Improving Cypher code without using data type List

I have a quite simple network model focused on individuals and companies and their connected identifiers. To ease viewing for analysts, I take the relationship
(:Person) - [PHONE] -> (:Phone)
And create a phoneNumber property on the Person node using the name property of the Phone node. I created a list such that it supports more than one PHONE relationship and stakes the numbers as a list. However, I use Linkurious as our visualization software and it does not technically support lists as a data type. The solution still works, but any suggestions on how to complete the same task, but not as a list? Below is example of what I run in Neo4j to make these automated phoneNumber properties on Person nodes.

MATCH (n)-[:PHONE]->(p:Phone) WITH n, COLLECT ( as phone_list SET n.phoneNumber = phone_list

Thanks in advance!

Have you tried reduce (List functions - Cypher Manual): reduce(init = "", n IN phone_list| init + ","+",") as phoneList (you've have to remove the trailling ',')