I'm a bit new to the Neo4j, cypher and apoc.
I have this custom apoc function that is similar to apoc.periodic.iterate which is a java procedure that bins and create relationships in rounds and ensure no two nodes are ever written to at the same time.
This is the code basically copying for our use.
The import is from a rmdbs to neo4j.
We are trying to transition from Neo 3.5 --> Neo 4.4 Community Edition
The data size is probably over 10 million nodes
I updated the some of the IterateRelationship.java to match the APOC 4.4 API
Previously the processing time was quick on neo4j 3.5. We are testing now Neo4j 4.4 CE and the custom function is quite slow.
while (iteratorThreads.stream().anyMatch(x -> !x.isRetired()) &&iteratorThreads.stream().filter(x -> !x.isRetired()).allMatch(x -> !x.isFree())) {
while (iteratorThreads.stream().filter(x -> !x.isRetired()).allMatch(IteratorThread::isWorking)) { // none done yet, block for a bit
// do work
So I noticed this section of code takes a long time to complete. From what I can guess is happening in this section of code is a thread is going to execute the transaction to create a relationship between two nodes. This was fast in 3.5 but slow on 4.4. CE
My question is there some thing to identify the slow down or speed this up?