I imported OSM data for a specific country using spatial.import OSM("path").
But I can't retrieve GEOJSON for specific geometry objects.
Every Geometry object has weird data like that.
"0": 0.0,
"1": 0.0,
"2": 0.0,
"3": 0.0,
"4": 1.0,
"5": 64.0,
"6": 62.0,
"7": 55.0,
"8": 119.0,
"9": 125.0,
"10": 15.0,
"11": 31.0,
"12": 88.0,
"13": 64.0,
"14": 63.0,
"15": 8.0,
"16": -120.0,
"17": -126.0,
"18": -16.0,
"19": -32.0,
"20": -88.0
Looking for a way to read the polygon coordinates.
Hi Mohamed,
Which library are you getting this procedure from? I do not recognize 'spatial.import OSM("path")'.
Could it be the procedure 'spatial.importOSM' in the old "Neo4j Spatial" library, or did you use the newer 'osm' library to import data?
Which version of the library did you use, and which version of Neo4j itself?
Regards, Craig
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