LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://git.......net/product/neo4j/-/blob/master/resources/data.csv' AS line CREATE (:Artist {name: line.Name, year: toInteger(line.Year)})
i am getting
At https://git.........net/product/neo4j/-/blob/master/resources/data.csv @ position 47396 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: '#8fbc8f":'
:-) But i dont have anywhere quotes, i am using the same structure from the example
CREATE CONSTRAINT UniqueName ON (k:Artist) ASSERT k.name is unique ;
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://git .......net/product/neo4j/-/blob/master/resources/data.csv' AS line
MERGE (a :Artist {name: toString(line.Name) })
on create set a.year=toInteger(line.Year)
Cannot merge the following node because of null property value for 'name': (a:Artist {name: null}) (Failure when processing file '/product/neo4j/-/blob/master/resources/data.csv' on line 2.)
i have tryed to moved the file to git hub reporository
and from there data was loaded, funny is that structure is weird, cause it create 1200 nodes in format
but at least its doing something. So my previous error is probably caused by some interna access isssue to the company gitlab and the data which is trying to parse are some exception message.