I used
to import the whole wikidata into neo4j 3.5 as educational resource but it does not work for Neo4j 4.3. Is there a way to import wikidata into Neo4j 4.3 maybe by n10s ?
I used
to import the whole wikidata into neo4j 3.5 as educational resource but it does not work for Neo4j 4.3. Is there a way to import wikidata into Neo4j 4.3 maybe by n10s ?
What exactly doesn't work Andreas?
Perhaps we can just fix it? Depending on which APIs it uses.
Sorry this is above my competences ;-) Is there a chance to use n10s for the whole import ?
Here is a blog post from Tomaz Bratanic
And here one from @jesus.barrasal, we've recently talked about having a data dump from wikipedia imported with neosemantics.
And a how to guide:
They all have a focus to import a subset of wikidata. It would be great to have a way to import the 60G Turtle-Dump from here: Index of /wikidatawiki/entities/
Do you have a good way to import the complete data? latest-all.json is so large.
Unfortunately not ... it realy takes some time ;-)
A new try could be with neosemantics. We tried it with this approach:
// Create constraints on URIs
CREATE CONSTRAINT n10s_unique_uri FOR (r:Resource) REQUIRE r.uri IS UNIQUE;
// Set initial config
CALL n10s.graphconfig.init({
handleVocabUris: 'MAP',
handleMultival: 'ARRAY',
keepLangTag: true,
keepCustomDataTypes: true,
applyNeo4jNaming: true
// Import: RDF/XML, Turtle
call n10s.rdf.import.fetch("file:///data/neo4j-community-5.7.0/import/latest-all.ttl", "Turtle", { verifyUriSyntax: false }) yield terminationStatus, triplesLoaded, triplesParsed, namespaces, extraInfo
return terminationStatus, triplesLoaded, triplesParsed, namespaces, extraInfo;
This trick comes from Jesus: { verifyUriSyntax: false }
Thanks for that !
Stuff is running for 24h, we have over 120.000.000 nodes now and it has not finished yet ;-)