Hi, thanks for your response in advance. I just need somebody to confirm that i read the docs correctly and there is no further way to improve this. I have the query below as an example. (Neo4j 5.19)
My goal is to be able to "upsert" a node with a bunch of extra properties ("pfam_comments" etc. in this example) without overwriting the properties that already exist on that node. The +=
operator works really well for my purpose here, except I read in "Mutate Specific Properties" of the docs that maybe i can pass an "overkill" dict/map to the +=
- Any properties that are in both the map and the node or relationship will be replaced in the node or relationship. However, if any property in the map is
, it will be removed from the node or relationship.
So i understand that in my example auth_asym_id=3
will be replaced with auth_asym_id=4
from the map. Is there any way in this setup to instruct cypher to only set properties that DONT already exist on the node? I.e., again, since pfam_*
properties aren't on the node already, i'd like them to be added, but since the auth_asym_id
DOES exist on the node, i'd like it to be ignored in the +=
match (n {auth_asym_id:3}) where elementid(n)="4:319085fa-9f6d-4e67-8536-bd4f3202729f:295"
set n+={pfam_accessions:["12","12"],
pfam_comments:['hie', "haw"],
pfam_descriptions:['dasome edsad'],
auth_asym_id: 4}, n:Protein
return n
If there isn't such a facility i'd guess it'd be pretty handy to have for "marshalling" nodes and relationships "up" in case the properties that are defined on them are subsets of a objects in people's backend (this is my case). Simply, let's say someone rolls a neo4j to track Customers
and PremiumCustomers
and this is their anylang schema in backend:
# pseudocode
class Customer
name: str
age: in
class PremiumCustomer(Customer):
subscription: uuid
Except these class objects have hundreds of fields/properties. If i want to upgrade my neo4j customer
node to a premiumcustomer
node, the ideal op for me is just
match (c:Customer) where elementid(c)="..."
set c+=premiumcustomer_dict
return c