Idle cypher-shell process in redhat linux using high cpu


We are experiencing high cpu usage when the cypher-shell process initiated by users are not closed properly because of unix session timeout, please can you help fixing this.
Is there a way we can set idle session timeout at client end?

Linux Machines: AWS ec2 instances with RHEL 8.
Neo4j: 4.4.3

Issue Scenario:
User establish a ssh connection from jump host to the AWS ec2 instance and use cypher command to connect to the neo4j DB.
Once AWS ec2 ssh/ssm connectivity is closed the cypher-shell process remains active and started to consume more cpu resource (one complete core), more than one such process started to saturate cpu resource(cores).

[root@server-1 ~]# ps -def|grep cypher
root 590136 590108 0 11:02 pts/2 00:00:02 /usr/bin/java -jar /usr/bin/../share/cypher-shell/lib/cypher-shell.jar
root 590280 590227 1 11:03 pts/4 00:00:01 /usr/bin/java -jar /usr/bin/../share/cypher-shell/lib/cypher-shell.jar

[root@server-1 ~]# netstat -anplt|head -2;netstat -anplt|grep "590136"
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 590136/java
tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 590136/java

[root@server-1 ~]# netstat -anplt|head -2;netstat -anplt|grep "590280"
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 590280/java
tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 590280/java


Thank you,

Attaching thread dumps for reference.
cypher-shell-idle-process-thread-dump-2955825-001.txt (12.1 KB)
cypher-shell-idle-process-thread-dump-2955825-002.txt (12.1 KB)
cypher-shell-idle-process-thread-dump-2955825-003.txt (12.1 KB)
cypher-shell-idle-process-thread-dump-2955825-004.txt (12.1 KB)
cypher-shell-idle-process-thread-dump-2955825-005.txt (12.1 KB)